Draco Dormiens: Cleanup

Draco Trilogy: Draco Dormiens header. Ellie Coral stands over a sink, surrounded by Dixie cups, glasses, and a bowl filled with various fluids. She holds a beaker that is being dissolved by green mist.

Before anyone asks, I’m not reviewing My Immortal.

I can’t believe it’s finally over. Six months, 192 screencaps, countless hours that could have been spent reading the real Harry Potter books. The less I dwell on this, the less likely I’ll wonder what I’m doing with my life.

Frankly, I’m surprised I even finished reading the fanfic. But the bulk of this blog, as of now, is made up of Draco Dormiens. If I didn’t finish it, I would have done Brainpie a greater disservice as opposed to the mediocre disservice I’m doing letting the blog exist at all. But, you know, damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Or whatever.

I know Clare has her fans and defenders, and as I’ve said before, this isn’t an effort to take her down. I’m a small-name blogger in an online sea saturated with writers and critics. I’ll be surprised if Clare learns of this. Even if she does and gets upset… well, she can wipe her tears with a $100 bill. What could I accomplish anyway? Her career is secured and she’ll probably be remembered for decades long after she shuts off her laptop for good.

Besides, if you paid attention to the prep post, you’ll remember that I enjoy The Mortal Instruments on a frivolous level. It’s literature brain candy, and I do enjoy rereading the first book in the original trilogy every Christmas season. It’s kind of my odd tradition.

Just like MST3K, this is done for fun and while some comments are made out of frustration and bewilderment, some of them do come from a place of love. I’m the first to criticize my own works, and I’m sure sometime down the road, someone will find one of my pieces and recap/review it in a similar fashion. Fine by me. I put it out there for others to enjoy, someone is bound to enjoy picking it apart.

In fact, here’s a promise to you: If I get enough complaints about riffing The Draco Trilogy, I’ll chum the riffing waters with a fanfic of my own. And since I doubt I’ll ever become famous and therefore never receive enough complaints, that’s a promise I’ll never have to fulfill.

Considering that this is an alternate universe fanfic, I suppose I should have laid off the differences between The Draco Trilogy and the official Harry Potter material… even if most of my fun was pointing out just this. But I’ll give the fanfic this: It made me appreciate the original Harry Potter series. I’ve reread the first two books and I’m planning on reading the next three so I can better be prepared for the next two installments. I even joined Pottermore. In fact, I got sorted into…


The Slytherin shield with the name Ellie Coral underneath.


At first, I was upset because I wanted Ravenclaw, but reading the description of the average Slytherin made me feel like I’d found a real home in the Potterverse (ambitious, shrewd, cunning, chievement-oriented; have highly developed senses of self-preservation; tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done). Besides, I share a link to the great Merlin. But now I’m kind of hoping that this isn’t some portent of my being attached to The Draco Trilogy for the rest of my online life.

If I had to do this batch all over again, I’d probably go with fewer screencaps from the document. The first few chapters are kind of a chore, aren’t they? But by the time I’d realized it, I’d already missed my November deadline and figured it was too late to go back and do deep edits. I’ve resolved to do a better job at summarizing in future batches, and I hope that it already showed in the later chapters.

Thanks for riding along with me. I’m taking a break until January, but in the meantime, keep cooking and reading.

Legal Matters

The Harry Potter franchise is copyrighted to J.K. Rowling; Bloomsbury Publishing, Scholastic Press, Pottermore, and other companies with publishing rights; and Warner Bros.

The Draco Trilogy is copyrighted to Cassandra Claire/Clare. The “references” are copyrighted to their holders and creators, both credited and uncredited.

The recipes featured throughout this batch are copyrighted to their creators. Links to their blogs or where to buy their books have been provided throughout the batch.

All materials derived from these sources are used for illustration/quoting purposes. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended. Every effort was made to accurately quote and portray the sources; any errors are my own.

Prep   Chapter 1   Chapter 2   Chapter 3   Chapter 4   Chapter 5   Chapter 6   Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9   Chapter 10   Chapter 11   Cleanup

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