Ellie Coral looks over a book at the viewer. The title is Cooking for Inept Morons. On the back cover is this text: Do you burn water? Can you peel an orange? Other hypothetical question? Following that is filler text that begins with Lorem ipsum up this bitch.


When I’m futzing around the butcher block, I like to have something to pass the time while waiting for something to boil, simmer, rest, or whatever. It can be a book, a YouTube video, or any form of social media.

Then came the idea: Why not take a cue from the old Dinner and a Movie show and combine my cooking efforts with a variety of entertainment* in a blog?

Brainpie is my personal mission to become a better cook and entertain myself while doing so. Join me as I attempt to make drinks, desserts, and whatever else I can literally take a stab at. Along the way, I’ll be reading fanfics and books, watching movies and online videos, and matching each installment with a themed food or drink.

This isn’t your typical food blog. You won’t find Vaseline-smeared photos, cutesy domestic bliss, sharenting of human children, or ego-pampering anecdotes illustrating my adorable life. I’m a brusque, blue-collar broad who’s moved on from the School of Express Cook Microwave Buttons Thought. If you’re coming along with me, you’d better put up with me.


Obviously, I’ll be using material that doesn’t belong to me. Stills from videos will be posted, as will screencaps from fanfics, books, and magazines. These materials are copyrighted to their respective owners and creators, and these people and companies will be credited and/or linked to in single posts or at the end of cleanup articles in batches.

In the case of original recipes, those are indeed mine. You’re welcome to make them for pleasure, parties, or even to review the recipes themselves. But credit is needed. A simple “[Food/Drink/Recipe] by Ellie Coral” and/or a link to this blog or any of my social media accounts is all I ask.

If the recipes are based on something that I don’t own (example: drinks based on a YouTube series), that’s kind of a gray area. Probably best to not serve them for profit. But credit the copyright holder first and then mention that I made the recipe.

But since plagiarism and theft is rampant in the food blogoverse, I’ll be keeping an eye out for copies of my recipes that authors have claimed as their own.

*Entertainment is subjective and results may vary. Yuks from reviews and original source material are not guaranteed, although yucks from weirder recipes are a given.