It is done.
Alt text has been added to all relevant images. Grammar has been improved where I thought it needed work—or where I had the patience to tinker with it. Archiving will be complete as soon as I convert the blog into a static version of itself.
Part of me hesitated to do all this. There’s a sadness in saying goodbye to a project that once gave me hope, filled my days with ideas and plans, and served as a comforting distraction from a job that was draining my life. But I knew this moment would come.
Goodbyes are painful, but they aren’t final. Not like farewells. Archiving Brainpie feels more like a pause—finishing a chapter rather than the end of the story. I still dream of cooking projects, playing amateur bartender, and tackling elaborate recipes that demand a professional kitchen setup. But life has taken me in a new direction. My MLIS studies and the world of library and information science is where I’m needed now.
But perhaps one day… a slow, rainy day where I’m rummaging through pots and pans, and my mind flashes to an old cookbook in the pantry… I’ll whip up a dish, struggle through the process, and capture a few photos to share—just for the fun of it.
Thank you for reading.
— Ellie